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Ascended Master
Guru Zhang Bu Sheng
Eclectic Adept in Inner Refinement
Chinese Meditation 
Taoist Alchemy
Tantric Yoga

 “If only you know what I know, see what I see, and hear what I hear, then you will know why I have given myself up completely to the cause of bringing these teachings to light so that everyone can once again go within and be empowered. Once you get there, you will know all the other great sages of the past were simply doing the same, sharing truths not of their own creation or perception, but simply revelations they received as they walked the path. It isn’t philosophy, it isn’t renaissance art, it isn’t self-creation, it simply is absolute truth transmitted as it is.” – Guru Zhang Bu Sheng

In order to pursue and bridge the ultimate truth, Guru Zhang has thoroughly researched both the profound ancient wisdom and contemporary science. Guru Zhang has spent more than 30 years studying under more than 50 esoteric Masters all over the world. He has acquired the sagely practices from the Eastern schools of Confucianism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and Tibetan Esoteric traditions. To ensure the completeness of his study, he has also travelled extensively to uncover the mystic disciplines of the West, in Christianity, Islam, and ancient Egypt, also the secret knowledge of Indian tantric yoga and Western alchemy. 

Guru Zhang’s mission has been to educate the public through various courses since 2013. He has inherited the lineage of both the Taoism and Buddhism traditions, and is able to integrate the wisdom passed down from the sages of both the East and West. Guru Zhang has taught relentlessly over 8 years, giving more than 400 classes to the public on Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islamic, and Christianity. Adopting the modern scientific discoveries, Guru Zhang corroborates and verifies the essences of ancient teachings and techniques, opening the gate towards the truth of life to the world. It is a blessing to have such a Master who could break the barriers of religion and culture, and harmonize wisdoms of both Eastern and Western traditions. Recently, Guru Zhang expounds on the Nine Grades of Divine Beings based on the ancient Taoist teachings, revealing the secret of “Inner Sageliness and Outer Kingliness” and supernatural power. His teaching has raised awareness of tens of thousands of people, guiding them to begin their personal spiritual journey.

Guru Zhang has gained mastery of the five systems of transcendental arts of medical treatment, divination, geomancy (e.g. Feng Shui), astrology and self-enlightenment. He has mentioned that these are necessary skills to master in order to help people who are in dire needs, and these require much more than theoretical knowledge. They require super sensibilities which everyone can develop. 

With his powers harnessed through inner cultivation, Guru Zhang has relieved many people of various sufferings and illnesses. His esoteric abilities (siddhis) guide students on the path of wellbeing. His awakened clarity enables him to counsel many students to walk through their traumas, eliminate their obstacles, and to live a better and holistic life.  

Guru Zhang’s geomancy expertise is also truly distinctive and remarkable. He can, within a short visit, transform a residence or a workspace into a field of radiant, positive energy with his transcendental abilities. Anyone who is present will always witness the difference. The transcendental geomancy abilities which have been passed down from generations through an unbroken and untainted lineage, are most importantly used to locate energy vortices and centres on earth, also known as “Dragon Meridians”.  He has led meditation retreats to such places where practitioners are constantly amazed at the potent and transformative effects which they have experienced.

He is a beacon of light that brings the darkness of the profound into the light of simplicity.

Seize the golden opportunity to get direct Dharma transmission from Guru Zhang Bu Sheng today!

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